Emergencies and Services

Melbourne Campus

Medical Services near Melbourne Campus

Dental Services near Melbourne Campus

For free health advice from a Registered Nurse 24 hours, seven-days-a-week, phone Nurse-on-call on 1300 60 60 24.


Any student that experiences a critical incident should immediately inform, where possible, their trainer or course coordinator. If they are not available they should contact Admin and, if required, the emegency number (03)9640 0301, 0423 842 036 or contact personally at Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

For life-threatening or serious injury call an ambulance on 000

If an ambulance has been called please notify the nearest staff member

Emergency department near campus

The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Emergency Department
Ground Floor, 1B Building
Grattan Street, Parkville
Phone 03 9342 7666

Fees information

Medicare does not cover dental services unless you have a chronic condition, complex care needs or you are the holder of a Health Care card. As a local student you can take out private health insurance to cover dental services.

Standard Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) does not cover dental services, but international students have the option of extending their coverage to include dental treatment.

Standard consultation fees for a basic examination range from $40 to $68, x-rays range from $33 to $44 and cleaning range from $98 to $150.

Most dentists offer discounts to full-time students. Confirm when making your appointment and make sure you take your student card with you.

Brisbane Campus

Medical Services near Brisbane Campus


Any student that experiences a critical incident should immediately inform, where possible, their trainer or course coordinator. If they are not available they should contact Admin and, if required, the emegency number (07)3128 0176, 0433 952 129 or contact personally at 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes, QLD 4120.


  • Newton College Pty Ltd T/A Newton College
  • Brisbane Campus Address: Unit 3, 5 carol Avenue, SPRINGWOOD, QLD 4127
  • Brisbane Campus Landline Number: (07) 3324 2705
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Social Media:
  • ABN: 75 609 329 973 RTO Code: 41437 Cricos Provider Code: 03598G
  • Melbourne Campus Adr. 1: Level 10, 190 Queen St., Melbourne, VIC 3000
  • Melbourne Campus Adr. 2: Level 7, 55 Swanston St., Melbourne, VIC 3000
  • Melbourne Campus Landline Number: (03) 9937 2656
  • Working Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm