PSP60916 Advanced Diploma of Interpreting(LOTE-English)

Qualification: PSP60916 Advanced Diploma of Interpreting(LOTE-English)

Qualification CRICOS Code: 097599F

Qualification Status: Current

AQF Level: 6

Entry Requirement:

  • The learner must be at least 18 years of age at the time of course commencement. Newton College cannot support the learner as required under Australian law if they are younger than 18 at the time of course commencement. If learners wish to discuss any of their matter relevant to their entry and study requirements further, they can contact the Newton College marketing department.

  • Student applicants for this course must have completed at least one year of a Bachelor or a Master’s degree where English is the medium of instruction. If the Bachelor or Master’s degree is completed offshore and not completed with English as the medium of instruction, then candidates must have an IELTS 6.0 or equivalent to IELTS (no band score less than 6).

  • Evidence of LOTE background learning, i.e. High School certificate/degrees awarded in LOTE countries. Otherwise a Newton College internal LOTE language proficiency test is required.

  • Entry to this Advanced Diploma of Interpreting also include a successful completion of the Diploma of Interpreting within two years before the application for this course.

  • Have demonstrated an IELTS level at a score of at least 6.0 or equivalent or demonstration of successful completion of at least General English at Advanced level or English for Academic Purposes at Advanced level.

  • Successfully meets the requirements and satisfies the criteria of Genuine Student Test.

  • Must have sound digital literacy and access to working internet and access to working PC or laptop with a configuration suitable to meet study requirements. Please seek your trainer/assessor assistance in this regard.

  • Have a suitable level of language, literacy and numeracy to complete course requirements with or without additional support that the Newton College is able to provide.

  • Have successfully completed Australian year 12 or equivalent. Are at least at age of 18 on the date of course commencement. Newton College cannot support the learner as required under Australian law if they are younger than 18 at the time of course commencement. If learners wish to discuss any of their matter relevant to their entry and study requirements further, they can contact the Newton College marketing department.

  • Please Note: All the students commencing this course are required to complete the LLN test on the orientation day to assist the Newton College to identify student’s needs for additional support during their study with the Newton College. If the student is opting ELICOS packaged with any vocational course, the student is required to demonstrate IELTS of 5.0 or equivalent.

Total Core Units: 8

Total Electives Units: 7

Mode of Delivery: Face-to-face 20 hours per week.

Total Course Duration: 48 Weeks including 4 weeks of term breaks.

Language Stream: Mandarin and English.

Delivery Location: Brisban Campus, Melbourne Campus.

Total Terms: 3 Terms.

Possible Employer Pathways: Certifed interpreter on NAATI certification.

Course Structure:

To complete the PSP60916 Advanced Diploma of Interpreting, you need to pass fifteen units (consists of 8 core units and 7 electives) of competence. If you leave the program early, you will be given a Statement of Attainment for any units you have been assessed as competent in. We have selected the following units:

Core PSPTIS100 Apply codes and standards to professional judgment
Core PSPTIS101 Negotiate translating and interpreting assignments
Core PSPTIS080 Interpret in complex dialogue settings (LOTE-English)
Core PSPTIS081 Interpret in complex monologue settings (LOTE-English)
Core PSPTIS082 Interpret through communication media
Core PSPTIS083 Manage discourses in complex settings
Core PSPTIS084 Sight translation (LOTE-English)
Core PSPTIS085 Use complex subjects area terminology in interpreting (LOTE-English)
Elective PSPTIS086 Use chuchotage (whispered simultaneous) to interpret (LOTE-English)
Elective PSPTIS087 Use note taking to recall and reproduce source messages (LOTE-English)
Elective PSPTIS002 Build glossaries for translating and interpreting assignments
Elective PSPTIS091 Use complex education terminology in interpreting (LOTE-English)
Elective PSPTIS092 Use complex health terminology in interpreting (LOTE-English)
Elective PSPTIS093 Use complex legal terminology in interpreting (LOTE-English)
Elective SITXLAN004 Conduct complex oral communication in a language other than English

Newton College’s Advanced Diploma of Interpreting Course (PSP60916) is made available to the students via face-to-face sessions held in fully equipped, contemporary classes. The training is a blend of theory and practical examinations, both conducted within the college premises. Each student who has enrolled for the course is expected to pass all the 15 units to conclude the training program.


1. For international student course fee details, please refer to the International Student Prospectus .

2. For domestic student course fee details, please contact Newton College.

3. Newton College does not guarantee that:

i) a learner/student will successfully complete a training product on its scope of registration; or

ii) a training product can be completed in a manner which does not meet the requirements of Clause 1.1 and 1.2 of Standards of Registered Training Organisation 2015; or

iii) a learner/student will obtain a particular employment outcome where this is outside the control of the Newton College


  • Newton College Pty Ltd T/A Newton College
  • Brisbane Campus Address: Unit 3, 5 carol Avenue, SPRINGWOOD, QLD 4127
  • Brisbane Campus Landline Number: (07) 3324 2705
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Social Media:
  • ABN: 75 609 329 973 RTO Code: 41437 Cricos Provider Code: 03598G
  • Melbourne Campus Adr. 1: Level 10, 190 Queen St., Melbourne, VIC 3000
  • Melbourne Campus Adr. 2: Level 7, 55 Swanston St., Melbourne, VIC 3000
  • Melbourne Campus Landline Number: (03) 9937 2656
  • Working Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm